We have all seen the saying anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad. Like the women in my life I grew up with great men around men. My grandfathers, my uncles, and most of all my dad. It's no secret when my mom was pregnant that my dad wanted a boy. He was happy with Karen and joked when people asked who she looked like that "she looks like her mom from the waist down." When I came it was deja vu. He came around quickly and was a great dad to both of his girls. He raised us to be independent and do things for ourselves. Things other dads don't or didn't teach their girls. How to change oil, change a tire, drive a standard automobile,mow the grass. I hope I can pass along those lessons to my girls. Although the men around here do those kinda things for you to show they care, but I bet the girls could tag along and learn a few things.
Some things I remember about my childhood with my dad.....
- thunderstorms scared the crud out of me when I was little and I would go run and get dad, mom worked late, he would come sit on the edge of my bed and with the softest, warmest smoothest finger would gently trace the outline of my face and over my nose and around my eyes and mouth. Right out I would go and he would quietly leave. Some nights this happened more than once. I still remember that feeling.
- we were in Indian princesses, a program through the YMCA I think, for dads and their daughters, we did craft activities and went camping. I remember we made totem poles. Dad was big bear, I was lady bug and Karen was Iris or something. (We lived on Iris Ln. Karen's not real creative with the name game.) I remember getting feathers for our headbands and going to a big event at Kirkwood park.
- I remember camping and going to Meramac caverns, Johnson shut-ins with the family and playing in the water. I know mom, it was you that did all the hard work, cooking and cleaning so we could play. (That's a touchy subject)
- I remember bike rides and lots of falls. Dad would pick you up and send you back on your way.
- I remember my dad's face and the "Oh Shit" when I fell off my bike and demolished my face and teeth. He drove to the hospital and tried so hard to be there for me with mom at my side, he stood in the doorway and was there for support. ( Dad doesn't do blood. Like not at all. Mom finally told him it was OK to go sit down.)
- I remember working on the Miss Fix It badge for girls scouts and learning how to change a tire and check the oil. All things most of my friends don't know how to do. Shocking. (P.s. I did the tire so well that the mechanic broke 3 tire irons and asked my dad who changed it. He smiled and said "my 13 year old daughter")
Now current memories...
- He was in on my pregnancy secret from mom and kept it for months so we could surprise her at Christmas.
- He was here for the birth of both my daughters.
- He writes a letter after each visit for the first year about the changes he sees in them.
Basically, I have a dad who is always there, always has been and always will be. I married a man who is a great dad. The selling points for my dad on my Jim were he grew up in the carnival business ( dad loves circus), he was a democrat ( important on both sides) and he can juggle. The last one sealed the deal, well after he met him of course.
So dad, Happy Fathers Day. I love you and thank you for all the memories.
My Jim, Happy Fathers Day, I love you and look forward to all the memories you make with the kids.
Big Jim, Happy Fathers Day, Thank you for all that you do for us. We really couldn't do it without you.
To all the men who are Dad's and not just fathers, Happy Fathers Day.